I chose to do a timeline on myself.
I picked out when I started school, whether it be elementary, high school or college.
I know that something more educational might have been a better choice, but I felt like talking about myself, so here is my TimeGlider.
Students love to talk about themselves and I know that they would love to do it in this form.
I was going to do something more educational, but I could not find specific days with anything.
So I chose to talk about myself. I did the time line based on when I started different grade levels, so it is somewhat education related. ;)
I feel this assignment meets Standard:
Standard 3
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Resume Grade
The grade I got for my resume, when I went to RezScore was not the grade I excepted at all. The resume I have now got me all of my points for my portfolio grade (according to my Liason) however, it got me very few points when it came to the website's grade. My resume was too short and it was not professional enough, and I also had things I didn't need. Oh well, as long as I got a good grade when it was important that is all that matters.
To do this assignment I found my resume on my computer and attached in on the website, and clicked grade. Then I got my results, which I didn't like very much, so I will be working on my resume before I turn in any applications.
The standard that I feel this assignment meets is
Standard 5
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community.
To do this assignment I found my resume on my computer and attached in on the website, and clicked grade. Then I got my results, which I didn't like very much, so I will be working on my resume before I turn in any applications.
The standard that I feel this assignment meets is
Standard 5
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community.
This was one of the hardest assignments for me.
My computer would not download photostory, so I had to wait till I came home for the weekend and create my video here. Then I thought I had Photostory on my old laptop, which I didn't. It was too slow, so I gave up on downloading it. So in the end I used the desk top to create my video. The problem then was there is no microphone with the desktop, so I tried to find a song that kind of fit the topic. Too bad the song (even though it is from ITUNES, is copyrighted)... so there is NO sound at all!!
Here is the end result... FINALLY!!
I do enjoy the idea the photo-story offers. I really liked making the one I made in my undergraduate class, which was all about me. I did find it hard to time the picture correctly for this one, and to know which order I wanted them in. Also since I do not have a microphone putting in slides with the information on them had to be taken into account when it came to time. I really do like the idea of photo-story, this assignment just wasn't the the I enjoyed (like I wish I had).
I feel this assignment meets is standard
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to
maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
My computer would not download photostory, so I had to wait till I came home for the weekend and create my video here. Then I thought I had Photostory on my old laptop, which I didn't. It was too slow, so I gave up on downloading it. So in the end I used the desk top to create my video. The problem then was there is no microphone with the desktop, so I tried to find a song that kind of fit the topic. Too bad the song (even though it is from ITUNES, is copyrighted)... so there is NO sound at all!!
Here is the end result... FINALLY!!
I do enjoy the idea the photo-story offers. I really liked making the one I made in my undergraduate class, which was all about me. I did find it hard to time the picture correctly for this one, and to know which order I wanted them in. Also since I do not have a microphone putting in slides with the information on them had to be taken into account when it came to time. I really do like the idea of photo-story, this assignment just wasn't the the I enjoyed (like I wish I had).
I feel this assignment meets is standard
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to
maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
File Converter
I used this for a file converter of a youtube video. Below are the steps I took to convert my video/file The steps include what I wanted to convert the file to (in this case a Windows Media Video) and then put in the URL of the website and clicked continue. As you can see it was successfully downloaded to the file. The final step is to click download and then it will pop up and allow you to watch the video in whatever file you chose.

The Standard I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
The Standard I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Appropriate You Tube Video
To figure out how to save a YouTube video to my computer, I simply used Google to search "how to save a YouTube video to my computer". This search lead me to Computer Hope and then to KeepVid. Neither of these wanted to do what I was asking them to do, atleast when it came to inserting the video into my blog. I have several copies of my video on my computer but none of them wanted to be embedding in my blog.
After both of those failed me,I then tried Freecorder, which is a tool you can download for free that allows you to save video, audio, and even convert files.
Since everything failed for me I asked in the discussion board, and found that I was over thinking things. All i had to do was copy and paste the HTML and it worked. Man this assignment stressed me out more than it needed to.
I believe that teachers could definitely benefit from this skill.
When you find a video that get the point across just the way you want to, you can save it and have it forever, not have to worry about the site being blocked on the video being down next time you go to access it. No one wants to being talking about something and using a video that on the day they are talking about it, they find it is no longer available.
The Standard which I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
After both of those failed me,I then tried Freecorder, which is a tool you can download for free that allows you to save video, audio, and even convert files.
Since everything failed for me I asked in the discussion board, and found that I was over thinking things. All i had to do was copy and paste the HTML and it worked. Man this assignment stressed me out more than it needed to.
I believe that teachers could definitely benefit from this skill.
When you find a video that get the point across just the way you want to, you can save it and have it forever, not have to worry about the site being blocked on the video being down next time you go to access it. No one wants to being talking about something and using a video that on the day they are talking about it, they find it is no longer available.
The Standard which I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Jeopardy Labs
Here is My Jeopardy Template
I used one that I had created for a Social Studies unit I did.
I liked it so well that I sent it to a 3rd grade teacher (at the school I student taught at) and she now uses it with her class.
It has come in handy in many different situations, so I thought "why not use it for this too".
I hope you all enjoy.
I feel that this assignment meets more than one standard.
I meets both Standards 1 and 2
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning,
and creative processes
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to
maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using
digital tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
I used one that I had created for a Social Studies unit I did.
I liked it so well that I sent it to a 3rd grade teacher (at the school I student taught at) and she now uses it with her class.
It has come in handy in many different situations, so I thought "why not use it for this too".
I hope you all enjoy.
I feel that this assignment meets more than one standard.
I meets both Standards 1 and 2
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning,
and creative processes
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to
maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using
digital tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
I did my Prezi on the phases of the moon.
I was really easy to insert text and photos.
It took me a while to figure out how to embed my presentation. I hope it works.
I think Prezi is a really fun tool, once you get the hang of it.
I found information about the moon, and then downloading images to go with all that information. I then put the information in an certain order and attached the pictures along side the information that went with each of the pictures I added. I finally chose the path I wanted the information and pictures to go in, and then saved it all and embeded it in here.
The standard which I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
and innovation
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
I was really easy to insert text and photos.
It took me a while to figure out how to embed my presentation. I hope it works.
I think Prezi is a really fun tool, once you get the hang of it.
I found information about the moon, and then downloading images to go with all that information. I then put the information in an certain order and attached the pictures along side the information that went with each of the pictures I added. I finally chose the path I wanted the information and pictures to go in, and then saved it all and embeded it in here.
The standard which I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
and innovation
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Power Point
Here is my Power Point. It is all about equivalent fractions. I chose to do this because I helped tutor a few 3rd grade students during the school year, and one of the things they were studying while I was there were fractions. I think that using power point allows students to use technology and learn at the same time.
The standard that this assignment meets is:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
resources to support research and learning
Equivalent fractions
View more presentations from bango1305.
The standard that this assignment meets is:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
resources to support research and learning
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Excel Grade
Here are my grades/ excel spreadsheet

Windows Excel is an awesome tool for teachers in the classroom. It is a fast and easy way to keep a grade book.
I love it once I remember how to do the formulas and different things, until I remember I am frustrated.
I've used Excel and its formulas before, but I didn't know just how much you could do with it. During this activity, I learned how to use brackets to weight different parts of a score. I also learned how to use the IF function to assign a letter grade to a numerical grade.
I think this tool will be very useful to me as a teacher.
I will be able to just set up the formulas and plug in the grades, and it will calculate the averages and letter grades for me.
The standard I feet this assignment meets is:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
resources to support research and learning
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
Windows Excel is an awesome tool for teachers in the classroom. It is a fast and easy way to keep a grade book.
I love it once I remember how to do the formulas and different things, until I remember I am frustrated.
I've used Excel and its formulas before, but I didn't know just how much you could do with it. During this activity, I learned how to use brackets to weight different parts of a score. I also learned how to use the IF function to assign a letter grade to a numerical grade.
I think this tool will be very useful to me as a teacher.
I will be able to just set up the formulas and plug in the grades, and it will calculate the averages and letter grades for me.
The standard I feet this assignment meets is:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
resources to support research and learning
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
Monday, June 27, 2011
Google Calendar
Here is a link to my Calendar.
What I did:
I used the Google docs calendar to create my calendar. It was extremely easy to add events and assignments to the calendar and embed it in my blog.
What I learned:
I learned there are different options when using this calendar by google. You can highlight specific dates and have it show for the whole week.
How can you use the new learning?
You could use this to put up around the room so students can have an idea of what the upcoming month/week has in store.
The standard I feel this assignments meets is:
Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
and innovation
What I did:
I used the Google docs calendar to create my calendar. It was extremely easy to add events and assignments to the calendar and embed it in my blog.
What I learned:
I learned there are different options when using this calendar by google. You can highlight specific dates and have it show for the whole week.
How can you use the new learning?
You could use this to put up around the room so students can have an idea of what the upcoming month/week has in store.
The standard I feel this assignments meets is:
Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
and innovation
Google Spreadsheet
I used Google Doc to create this spread sheet.
I decided to just ask people about how they got to this point in their educational career.
Here are the results.
The standard that I feel This assigned meets is Standard 4c, which states that teachers "promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information." along with NETS standard number 2-Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments.
This could be use to modify different tests, especially tests which are taken often (such as reading). The questions could be typed into the survey form. It sure would reduce the pile of papers.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tiny URL
I was looking around for what I could shorten...
I saw that someone used where they were going on Vacation, so I tried that out.
Too bad once I got down to the exact place we are staying the URL was not very long at all, so I decided against that.
I decided to use a story fro my my local paper about the Boys and Girls Club which was recently vandalized.. it is a sad story, but the URL is very long, so I chose that.
The Original URL is:
The Tiny URL is:
The Bitty Link is:
The ISTE NETS standard which this assignment meets is
Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
I saw that someone used where they were going on Vacation, so I tried that out.
Too bad once I got down to the exact place we are staying the URL was not very long at all, so I decided against that.
I decided to use a story fro my my local paper about the Boys and Girls Club which was recently vandalized.. it is a sad story, but the URL is very long, so I chose that.
The Original URL is:
The Tiny URL is:
The Bitty Link is:
The ISTE NETS standard which this assignment meets is
Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
Friday, June 24, 2011
Reading 4
Here are the answers to Reading #4 questions.
The standard I feel that this assignment meets is:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
The standard I feel that this assignment meets is:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Online Graphing Tools
Kid Zone Graphs
Doc 1: 4th Grade Math
Doc 2: 8th Grade Math
Graphs (charts) are a helpful way to present data, especially to people like me who are very visual. The graphs made with Kidzone can show students the difference between how information looks in a pie graph vs. a bar graph and which type of graph is more appropriate for which type of data.
What I did:
-went to the NAPE websites and look at statistics
-then create graphs to show the statistics.
What I learned:
- how to create a graph using the website provided.
How can you use the new learning?
- show test scores compared to other states, in your classroom, or anything to show comparisons.
The ISTE Standard which the graphing assignment meets is
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
Doc 1: 4th Grade Math
Doc 2: 8th Grade Math
Graphs (charts) are a helpful way to present data, especially to people like me who are very visual. The graphs made with Kidzone can show students the difference between how information looks in a pie graph vs. a bar graph and which type of graph is more appropriate for which type of data.
What I did:
-went to the NAPE websites and look at statistics
-then create graphs to show the statistics.
What I learned:
- how to create a graph using the website provided.
How can you use the new learning?
- show test scores compared to other states, in your classroom, or anything to show comparisons.
The ISTE Standard which the graphing assignment meets is
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Zoomerang and Blog Pole Gadget
I created a survey using Zoomerang.
The standard this relates to: ISTE NETS-T Standards
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
When it came to the BLOG POLE GADGET
What I did:
-went into my blog and added a gadget .
What I learned:
-I learned what people like the most
How can you use the new learning?
-You can use a blog poll to find plenty of things out such as what is a students favorite way to learn, what they think their learning styles are, etc.
The standard I feel the Blog Pole meets is:
Standard 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
c. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital
tools and resources in support of student learning
b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community
building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others
Reading 3
Here are my answers to Reading Week 3
The Standard which I think that this reading aligns with is: 1- Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance studentlearning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
The Standard which I think that this reading aligns with is: 1- Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance studentlearning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Word Cloud
Here is my word cloud... It is a quote from "Field of Dreams"
Here is a link to my word cloud.
What I did:
-went to wordle and pasted my words into the box and then it automatically created the word cloud.
What I learned
-I can take any website or any saying and make it into a word cloud.
How can you use the new learning?
-it could be useed for anything. I love that you can take any words/saying/anything and create a Word Cloud.
The Standard(s) that I feel the word cloud relates to are: ISTE-NETS 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments and 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Monday, June 13, 2011
Jing Screen Shot
Lately I have gone to several different events, so I just found it fitting to do my Jing Video on how to make invitations of Microsoft Word 2007.
Here is my video
For some reason there is volume on it... please turn it off, unless you really want to listen to me type and click the mouse!!!
What I did:
I used the same software that I used for the last assignment (Jing Image/ ScreenShot) I used, on how to use some techniques for Microsoft Word.
What I learned:
-I learned how to do a screencast.
How can you use the new learning?
-This can be used in learning in many ways. You could have this up on a computer for students working on an assignment on the computer.
This relates to almost all of the ISTE NETS standards except maybe number five, engaging in professional growth:
#1 Inspire student learning and creativity
#2 Develop digital-age learning experiences
#3 Model digital-age work and learning
#4 Promote digital responsibility
Here is my video
For some reason there is volume on it... please turn it off, unless you really want to listen to me type and click the mouse!!!
What I did:
I used the same software that I used for the last assignment (Jing Image/ ScreenShot) I used, on how to use some techniques for Microsoft Word.
What I learned:
-I learned how to do a screencast.
How can you use the new learning?
-This can be used in learning in many ways. You could have this up on a computer for students working on an assignment on the computer.
This relates to almost all of the ISTE NETS standards except maybe number five, engaging in professional growth:
#1 Inspire student learning and creativity
#2 Develop digital-age learning experiences
#3 Model digital-age work and learning
#4 Promote digital responsibility
Friday, June 10, 2011
Jing Graphic

I had used JING before in an undergraduate class. I attempted to find my NING site where I had several posts using JING, but since it is a "for-pay" site now, my NING account was gone. I remembered using JING, but it has been a while, however once I downloaded it and started playing around, I remembered what I doing.
Here is a link to my Screen Shot
I googled a graphic whichs shows the counties of WV. I am from Parkersburg, so I used the arrow tool to show which county that was in, then I pointed out Fairmont State, along with where our capital is located. This would be a good tool to use when studying different parts of the state, students could each choose a county and report on it.
I learned that you can capture shots of anything on your computer by using the jing software that stays at the top of the computer.
-You can use this by saving a picture and being able to go back to it and show the students how to do the different steps.
The Standard that JING relates to are 3 and 4 D.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Reading #2
Here at the questions
The INSTE-NETS standard that I feel this relates to is Standard
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
The INSTE-NETS standard that I feel this relates to is Standard
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
Friday, June 3, 2011
diigo site
Here is a link to my Diigo site.
A web browser add on is a program that is integrated into the browser that provides additional functions into your preferred browser. I discovered that I have used several basic add ons before mostly for social networking sites such as Facebook or search engines like Google and they are very convenient for everyday use navigating through the internet. Diigo helps make things more accessible and easily at hand when you want to pull something up, especially occasionally visited sites.
I am addicted to checking the weather, so I have a weather add-on that I am checking constantly to see what should be wearing when I walk out the door.
What I did:
-registered for Diigo and installed it on my computer. Then I started building a library by adding websites.
What I learned:
-that by using this you can have all your most used websites right at hand so its once click away.
How can you use the new learning?
-We can save our most used websites on the computers at school so students can get into the website themselves.
This related to A LOT of standards:
Standard 2A, Digital Age Learning Culture fits the use of Diigo (design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity) also Diigo fits standard 3b collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
A web browser add on is a program that is integrated into the browser that provides additional functions into your preferred browser. I discovered that I have used several basic add ons before mostly for social networking sites such as Facebook or search engines like Google and they are very convenient for everyday use navigating through the internet. Diigo helps make things more accessible and easily at hand when you want to pull something up, especially occasionally visited sites.
I am addicted to checking the weather, so I have a weather add-on that I am checking constantly to see what should be wearing when I walk out the door.
What I did:
-registered for Diigo and installed it on my computer. Then I started building a library by adding websites.
What I learned:
-that by using this you can have all your most used websites right at hand so its once click away.
How can you use the new learning?
-We can save our most used websites on the computers at school so students can get into the website themselves.
This related to A LOT of standards:
Standard 2A, Digital Age Learning Culture fits the use of Diigo (design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity) also Diigo fits standard 3b collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
Piocasso Head
This post is brought to you by PicassoHead
This is a really fun sight. It is hard for someone who wants everything to be "perfect" to create an image that is anything but "perfect".
The site was really easy to use, it walked you through everything and then sends you a link for how to view it. After learning about Snip-It tool, i was able to put the image in this post, so that it was by itself and not on the regular website with everyone else picture.
The standard that this blog relates to is NETS-T standard 2. This activity allows students to express themselves nad be very creative. I know that OCD students and students that are perfectionist like me, this will be hard for them, but this is help them "think outside the box" This is not a structured site and allows for a lot exploration and creativity.
Snipping Tool
I love this quote. It is part of my philosophy.
I am a very visual person, and I know that just by telling me something I am going to forget. However, if things are written down I am going to remember what was said to me. Also when I am involved I can remake whatever was shown to me.
What I did:
-I found a quote I love and took a picture of it using the snipping tool.
What I learned:
-I learned that I can use the snipping tool to capture pictures on my computer so I can save something.
How can you use the new learning?
-I never knew I could do this until now.
This is a really neat tool that you could use when giving directions/instructions to students.
You could give step by step directions along with an image for them to understand.
NETS Standard
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to
maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
resources to support research and learning

What I did:
After I rewrote a shorter version of my educational philosophy. I published it on Google Docs (link above) I then created an avatar which reads (part of) my philosophy, and embedded it in this post. i actually got the embedding right, i was pretty proud of myself for that one!
What I learned:
-I learned all about a voki and how much fun it was.
How can you use the new learning?
-We could use this in a number of ways.
We could use this is we wanted to create a movie or video and let each student have part in it. We could also let students give speeches using this.
This ISTE Standards that I feel this related to are 2 and 5. 2 is to: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, we designed in that we designed an Avatar or digital tool to help us learn. Standard 5 says that: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership. It also addresses Professional Growth and Leadership, we then had to share our philosophy with others and tell them about why we are teaching/ our goals of teaching.
Also standard:
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Learning styles
I finally got the links to work.
I am a very visual person. i have to have things written down for me so that I can see them in-front of me and remember it. Someone can talk to me forever, but if I am not in the right frame of mind or something like that I am not going to remember anything that was said, no matter how long the conversation lasts.
I also think I am pretty logical and solitary. I like to work more by myself than with others. I love to figure things out and put everything in its place, that is why I say I am logical...
Let's see how that actually turned out...
Your scores were:
Visual: 11
Aural: 5
Read/Write: 16
Kinesthetic: 12
I have a multimodal learning preference.
This assignment related to the NETS standard two, which again deals with working with your and your students' specific learning styles.
Test Questions
1. What are the learning styles?
there are 6 specific learning styles, they are as follows:
*Visual- this learner enjoys looking at diagrams and charts or specific models, also follows written directions and notes.
*Aural- musically inclined and can learn/retain information simply by listening to what is said.
*Verbal- discussing, debating and talking about specific topics
*Physical- this type of learner is hands-on and uses physical touch to learn about topics, this type of learner also excels in sports
*Logical- tends to be towards the math and science fields
*Social-learns best in groups/ working with others
*Solitary- learns better when do things alone/ by self
2. How can awareness of learning styles improve performance in a learning environment?
Being aware of learning styles can improve the performance of your students, because when you are aware of how your students learn then you will by more able to reach the student in the best way possible, and present information in a way it will be understood,
3. Does any of this matters?
Yes, absolutely this matters to any teacher. Knowing students' learning styles will help them be more successful in the classroom. Also we want our students to be well rounded, to know how learn best, as well as being able to learn as other learn.
ISTE NETS-T Standards
4-B: address the diverses needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.
With this standard, we can identify our learning styles and understand how to successfully use tools to benefit our style type.
I am a very visual person. i have to have things written down for me so that I can see them in-front of me and remember it. Someone can talk to me forever, but if I am not in the right frame of mind or something like that I am not going to remember anything that was said, no matter how long the conversation lasts.
I also think I am pretty logical and solitary. I like to work more by myself than with others. I love to figure things out and put everything in its place, that is why I say I am logical...
Let's see how that actually turned out...
Your scores were:
Visual: 11
Aural: 5
Read/Write: 16
Kinesthetic: 12
I have a multimodal learning preference.
This assignment related to the NETS standard two, which again deals with working with your and your students' specific learning styles.
Test Questions
1. What are the learning styles?
there are 6 specific learning styles, they are as follows:
*Visual- this learner enjoys looking at diagrams and charts or specific models, also follows written directions and notes.
*Aural- musically inclined and can learn/retain information simply by listening to what is said.
*Verbal- discussing, debating and talking about specific topics
*Physical- this type of learner is hands-on and uses physical touch to learn about topics, this type of learner also excels in sports
*Logical- tends to be towards the math and science fields
*Social-learns best in groups/ working with others
*Solitary- learns better when do things alone/ by self
2. How can awareness of learning styles improve performance in a learning environment?
Being aware of learning styles can improve the performance of your students, because when you are aware of how your students learn then you will by more able to reach the student in the best way possible, and present information in a way it will be understood,
3. Does any of this matters?
Yes, absolutely this matters to any teacher. Knowing students' learning styles will help them be more successful in the classroom. Also we want our students to be well rounded, to know how learn best, as well as being able to learn as other learn.
ISTE NETS-T Standards
4-B: address the diverses needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.
With this standard, we can identify our learning styles and understand how to successfully use tools to benefit our style type.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Here is the link to my resume.
I was going to embed it, but it made everything really distorted, so I just put the link on here..
I set it so that everyone could see if, so I hope everyone can, and that the link works. Google seems to hate me more than it helps me.
What I did:
-I created a resume using Microsoft Word.
Then I went to google docs and uploaded it there so that everyone could see it.
What I learned
-I learned more about google docs.
How can you use the new learning?
-I can teach my students how to use Google docs so I will have links to look at their work.
ISTE NETS-T Standards I feel this assignment meets is:
3-A: demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
With this standard, we can transfer items from Word Documents into Google Docs.
This also meets:
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
I was going to embed it, but it made everything really distorted, so I just put the link on here..
I set it so that everyone could see if, so I hope everyone can, and that the link works. Google seems to hate me more than it helps me.
What I did:
-I created a resume using Microsoft Word.
Then I went to google docs and uploaded it there so that everyone could see it.
What I learned
-I learned more about google docs.
How can you use the new learning?
-I can teach my students how to use Google docs so I will have links to look at their work.
ISTE NETS-T Standards I feel this assignment meets is:
3-A: demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
With this standard, we can transfer items from Word Documents into Google Docs.
This also meets:
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
Browser Wars
When looking at current "Browser Wars", the newest statistic shows that Firefox has taken the top spot. I have been using Firefox for a while, especially since my Internet explorer is corrupt and doesn't work. I have noticed that somethings, like Black Board, want to be even more difficult than normal on Firefox. I have come to be more auanted and use to Firefox, so I use it more than Internet Explorer, unless explorer is the only thing I have to use (in the Library at school).
A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content.[1] Hyperlinks present in resources enable users to easily navigate their browsers to related resources.
The 4 most popular Web browsers are:
1. Firefox
2. Internet Explorer
3. (Google) Chrome
4. Safari
As I mentioned, I use Firefox, because it is what I have become familiar with and the only thing that works on my laptop.
Browser wars is a metaphorical term that refers to competitions for dominance in usage share in the web browser marketplace. The competition is driven by the amount of things that each browser can do, along with how well the browsers protect the people who use them. Also new features and speed are what attracts people to use the different browsers. When it comes to being #1 it is all about money and followers. The more popular a web browser is and the more money it raises, the more sucessful it is going to be.
What I did:
-I simply answered the questions.
I already had Mozilla
What I learned
-I learned about the different types of web browsers and how they are all different.
How can you use the new learning?
-We can use different types of web browsers in our classrooms. It would help them enhance their technology by switching it up.
"Browser Wars" can be associated with NETS-T 1B. Students are exploring and solving problems using digital tools. I can also be associated with 3D becuase the tool uses different resourses to research different topics.
Standard 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
c. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital
tools and resources in support of student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content.[1] Hyperlinks present in resources enable users to easily navigate their browsers to related resources.
The 4 most popular Web browsers are:
1. Firefox
2. Internet Explorer
3. (Google) Chrome
4. Safari
As I mentioned, I use Firefox, because it is what I have become familiar with and the only thing that works on my laptop.
Browser wars is a metaphorical term that refers to competitions for dominance in usage share in the web browser marketplace. The competition is driven by the amount of things that each browser can do, along with how well the browsers protect the people who use them. Also new features and speed are what attracts people to use the different browsers. When it comes to being #1 it is all about money and followers. The more popular a web browser is and the more money it raises, the more sucessful it is going to be.
What I did:
-I simply answered the questions.
I already had Mozilla
What I learned
-I learned about the different types of web browsers and how they are all different.
How can you use the new learning?
-We can use different types of web browsers in our classrooms. It would help them enhance their technology by switching it up.
"Browser Wars" can be associated with NETS-T 1B. Students are exploring and solving problems using digital tools. I can also be associated with 3D becuase the tool uses different resourses to research different topics.
Standard 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
c. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital
tools and resources in support of student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Intstructional Tech again
Looks like this will be used again for Instructional Tech.
This time it is a Grad class.
Hopefully I will remember to keep up with it, and be able to add things that are going on in my life.
Talk to you soon.
My introductory post relates to:
Standard 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
This time it is a Grad class.
Hopefully I will remember to keep up with it, and be able to add things that are going on in my life.
Talk to you soon.
My introductory post relates to:
Standard 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Long time no talk
This was a blog for my Technology class. However, since it seems to be the new "in thing" to keep a blog, I have decided to start writing in this again.
I have moved back to Fairmont, in hopes of getting more sub jobs. The funny thing is, this past week I have gotten calls at home that I had to turn down, but nothing here. I am not sure if this move has been the best thing for me or not. The person who I am living with, I have lived with in the past, and it wasn't the best fit. For some reason I thought that things would be different, but it doesn't seem that much has changed. I can however always go home if things don't work out, and I have come to realize it won't be a big deal (which I make most things) if I have to go home.
I am a huge creature of habit, and change is not something I adapt well to, so it is taking me while. I am also not a very patient person, so hopefully I can wait this out. I am glad however, to be closer to friends, even though we don't see each other very much (yet), I know that I am only 15-30 min away instead of an hour (or more) away.
I have moved back to Fairmont, in hopes of getting more sub jobs. The funny thing is, this past week I have gotten calls at home that I had to turn down, but nothing here. I am not sure if this move has been the best thing for me or not. The person who I am living with, I have lived with in the past, and it wasn't the best fit. For some reason I thought that things would be different, but it doesn't seem that much has changed. I can however always go home if things don't work out, and I have come to realize it won't be a big deal (which I make most things) if I have to go home.
I am a huge creature of habit, and change is not something I adapt well to, so it is taking me while. I am also not a very patient person, so hopefully I can wait this out. I am glad however, to be closer to friends, even though we don't see each other very much (yet), I know that I am only 15-30 min away instead of an hour (or more) away.
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