Sunday, July 17, 2011

Appropriate You Tube Video

To figure out how to save a YouTube video to my computer, I simply used Google to search "how to save a YouTube video to my computer". This search lead me to Computer Hope and then to KeepVid. Neither of these wanted to do what I was asking them to do, atleast when it came to inserting the video into my blog. I have several copies of my video on my computer but none of them wanted to be embedding in my blog.

After both of those failed me,I then tried Freecorder, which is a tool you can download for free that allows you to save video, audio, and even convert files.

Since everything failed for me I asked in the discussion board, and found that I was over thinking things. All i had to do was copy and paste the HTML and it worked. Man this assignment stressed me out more than it needed to.

I believe that teachers could definitely benefit from this skill.
When you find a video that get the point across just the way you want to, you can save it and have it forever, not have to worry about the site being blocked on the video being down next time you go to access it. No one wants to being talking about something and using a video that on the day they are talking about it, they find it is no longer available.

The Standard which I feel this assignment meets is:
Standard 3
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations

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