I finally got the links to work.
I am a very visual person. i have to have things written down for me so that I can see them in-front of me and remember it. Someone can talk to me forever, but if I am not in the right frame of mind or something like that I am not going to remember anything that was said, no matter how long the conversation lasts.
I also think I am pretty logical and solitary. I like to work more by myself than with others. I love to figure things out and put everything in its place, that is why I say I am logical...
Let's see how that actually turned out...
Your scores were:
Visual: 11
Aural: 5
Read/Write: 16
Kinesthetic: 12
I have a multimodal learning preference.
This assignment related to the NETS standard two, which again deals with working with your and your students' specific learning styles.
Test Questions
1. What are the learning styles?
there are 6 specific learning styles, they are as follows:
*Visual- this learner enjoys looking at diagrams and charts or specific models, also follows written directions and notes.
*Aural- musically inclined and can learn/retain information simply by listening to what is said.
*Verbal- discussing, debating and talking about specific topics
*Physical- this type of learner is hands-on and uses physical touch to learn about topics, this type of learner also excels in sports
*Logical- tends to be towards the math and science fields
*Social-learns best in groups/ working with others
*Solitary- learns better when do things alone/ by self
2. How can awareness of learning styles improve performance in a learning environment?
Being aware of learning styles can improve the performance of your students, because when you are aware of how your students learn then you will by more able to reach the student in the best way possible, and present information in a way it will be understood,
3. Does any of this matters?
Yes, absolutely this matters to any teacher. Knowing students' learning styles will help them be more successful in the classroom. Also we want our students to be well rounded, to know how learn best, as well as being able to learn as other learn.
ISTE NETS-T Standards
4-B: address the diverses needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.
With this standard, we can identify our learning styles and understand how to successfully use tools to benefit our style type.
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